Experiment with olive oil, sesame oil, butter, shampoo, stuff from the cupboards and the tap. Change temperature, alter the quantities, and vary the combinations of the stuff you're using. What do you observe?
Fats are insoluble in water but soluble in some organic compounds. True or false?
How are fats broken down in the body? I may need to talk about bile! Bile is similar to a detergent, like soap or washing up liquid.
Your body needs fats, but there's a pressure on people to be scared of them, or to use substitutes: that huge industry in 'fake fats' needs people to be focused on their shape, weight, or diet. This page looks at the manufacturing process of a fake fat. (Interested in giving up your butter?)
And here's an experiment to try. Can you come up with a theory as to why this happens?
More info on oils and fats here, with Your mother.
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